Can you guess what was in my closet this morning? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't something that
I put in the closet. And I don't think it was something that the kids put in the closet because they were pretty surprised this morning too. And I don't think my husband put it there either. I'm not talking about my bedroom closet. I'm talking about the closet downstairs between the laundry room and the garage. The closet that we keep suitcases and
some other storage items. Any guesses????
Yup, this picture below is what I found this morning.

My husband used a ruler to slide the lizard out of the closet and then coaxed him into the plastic cup. The kids wanted to keep it as a pet. We did just have ants as pets not too long ago, so why not a lizard? I don't think so...
I never had a lizard in my house before. I don't think I've even seen a lizard in New Jersey (where I lived most recently). Can you imagine a lizard in New Jersey? He would
probably turn around and tell me to mind my own business.
My husband said finding a lizard in the house is just living in the tropics. Now we can pretend we live in Florida or Hawaii. Somehow, it still doesn't feel like the tropics!
Just may be a hint that GEICO wants you as a customer! Karma that is!
Sadly, while I could NEVER do the ants in my house, I'd be totally cool with a pet lizard. He's cute!
We find lizards all the time. It's pretty cool. They eat bugs, so that could help you with the ant thing, should it come to that.
Found you through AM...
wow, that is freaky
We have tons of lizards here in NC, but we haven't ever had one in our house...though we do get mice in the winter (they like my pantry).
Oh goodness. No Thank you. Pretty funny story thou :)
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