Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Answers to all of Life's Little Questions

I haven't had much time to write lately. The kids are keeping me busy and I haven't even really had much time to sleep either!

Yesterday my 4 year old wanted to know why they call it an "exit" if there are no eggs in it? I thought about it for a while and gave him the best answer I could come up with, "I don't know."

After swimming lessons yesterday my 6 year old told me that a bigger kid helped him to turn on the hand dryer so he could dry off his hair (at 6 years old the boys have to use the men's locker room, so I can't go in there to help him). Then he asked me if there was a dryer in the women's locker room. I said, "Yes, the boys locker room and the girls locker room are set up the same way." So he asked me, "So are there 3 places to stand and pee on the one side too?" I couldn't help but laugh. When I was finally able to speak again, I told him that the girls locker room did have "pottys."


girlytwins said...


Michelle said...

Gotta love how the minds of children work. The eggs question is a good one.

Fingers crossed the rest of the week go smoothly for you!

Unknown said...

Oh that is just TOO cute!

Unknown said...

oh, I love those questioins!! The questions get more complicated as they get older..for example.."how does the baby come out of the mother???" or "how does the baby get in your tummy??"Had that one recently. trying to explain that to a 7 year old was hard,especially while avoiding the topic of sex. Our cat recently had kittens, which prompted all these questions. So, we had no choice but to tell him it takes a female and a male. And we left it at that. Good thing he didnt ask how specifically it is done....