Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Eraser Saga Continues

Today I had a message from the school nurse on my cell phone. My kids were fine. She was calling to tell me what a bad parent I am.

My 5 year old was in her office this morning because he put a pencil eraser up his nose and couldn't get it out. Luckily the nurse was able to get it out. But as the nurse said, kids shouldn't be putting things inside their noses. Apparently I'm not good at teaching this lesson at home. Ya know, because I'm busy showing my kids great places to stick pencil erasers.

In case you have missed my previous posts about pencil erasers (and yes, there are more than one) you can catch up here, here, and here. To summarize earlier this school year my 7 year old son stuck a pencil eraser in his year and it involved a trip to the school nurse, the ER and the ENT. Oh, and now we have a collection of pencil tip erasers and a cup full of pencils without erasers.

When I got home there were two messages on the machine. One from the nurse (I assume she had tried to the house number first). And another from my son's teacher. Apparently the teacher didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to let me know what a bad parent I am because when I returned her call that was all she had to say.

So whenever you get invited over to dinner at the Cookie household please make sure you bring your own pencil tip eraser for some after dinner fun of "where can we stick the eraser this time." And be forewarned that if you don't bring your own, you might to get a used one.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

I'll be there, Cookie, and we can have an eraser party... I'll bring plenty of extras and we have stick them in our noses and ears --and wherever else we want to.... OMG---how sad is that!!!!

Hold your head up, Little Gal... You are a great parent and raising two fine boys...

TALON said...

Oh, Cookie! I feel bad admitting I laughed throughout this entire post. Isn't it always the way - the big brother teaches the little brother all his fun tricks? My youngest son worshipped his older brother and many is the time there were duplicate events. Isn't it something when we end up being chastised by our child's teacher?

I'm bringing a regular sized eraser when I come for dinner. Harder to stick up the nose or in the ear! On second thought, maybe not because a big eraser could lead to many little ones - lol!

Roberta said...

You should have told the teacher where SHE could stick an eraser.

betty said...

I think you are a GREAT MOM despite what the teachers/nurse think

kids will be kids.....


Boozy Tooth said...

Oh the hilarity! I really enjoyed this post so much, even though it is sadly at your expense. Sorry about all your trouble. I honestly thought those erasers were stuck on better. Now I must go back and click your three (!) links to get educated on what other eraser trauma you've had to endure. I'm thinking there are some pretty amusing treasures in there.

Cookie - thank you SO MUCH for stopping by Casa Hice and leaving your footprints on my welcome mat! It's always a thrill to have new friends pop over. I think you've been by before and left a comment because when I followed you back to your Cookie Jar, you look very familiar. I never forget a pretty face. Oh, and I LOVE your profile blurb. You seem like a really fun chica. I hope you will come back and spend time with me again because the door is always open...

And please excuse my {ahem} Fronshe, but piss on the teacher.

Karen said...

MIght I recommend you remove the erasers from your son's pencils, dispose of the eraser collection and buy him the nice white rectangle polymer erasers that they sell at Target in a three pack for around $2? (There aren't many places where you can stick those erasers.) It sounds like your son is determined to see how many places he can stash an eraser in his body. I hope he hasn't taught his brother to play "Where can we stick the eraser this time?".

Karen said...

Oh never mind, I just realized that it was your younger son who picked up on the eraser stashing. Gosh, you really have your work cut out for you. Switch to pens. It will be easier.

Lynn said...

When I come to dinner I am just leaving the erasers at home. :) How funny is that kid? This gave me a good chuckle.

Fire Hunt said...

You are a great parent. We have things are kids do that we don't like.

p-huong said...

Erasers are more fun when thrown at people. I almost threw my eraser at a student who was cheating on an exam, but decided not to because it was a fresh new magic rub.

hokgardner said...

I'm sure I'll be getting similar calls about my boy, who is only three and has had three trips to the ER. I'm waiting for CPS to show up any day now.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Gin said...

Oh God. I can not stop laughing at this!

Joyce-Anne said...

School nurses are notoriously mean people. I had my share of run-ins with mine last year (regarding my then kindergarten age son). And, I'm betting the teacher hasn't had children yet or her children have since grown and on their own. Despite what they say, you ARE a great mom!

Anonymous said...

How nice of them to really drive the point home for you! What would their solution be . . . ban all erasers from the house or tape mittens on your sons hands so that he can't get ahold of the eraser?! I wonder if they have children of their own . . .

LL Cool Joe said...

You know in the UK we call "erasers" rubbers don't you? Just imagine some of the messages you'd be receiving from the school if you lived here! :D

Sorry, I shouldn't laugh, but geez, what is your kid telling you? :D

Momisodes said...

Ugh. I'm so sorry. That is so rude.

Maude Lynn said...

I had to take Baby Puppy to the ER after she stuck a snail shell up her nose. I, too, am a bad parent!

Snaggle Tooth said...

Not again!
I think I would remove n ban the use of all pencil-top erasers except the large-rectangular separately sold ones after this!

girlytwins said...

I know a few places you can stick an eraser in that teacher of yours. Seriously. Kids are kids. Sometimes they do silly things....multiple times. But it sure isn't from lack of us telling them not to do something.

And I will be sure to bring my eraser next time I am invited to dinner.

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