In August we went back to school shopping. I bought my second grader several pairs of pants. He is a little hard to shop and he hates shopping so when we found a style that he likes and that fit him, we bought 3 pairs in different colors. He wore a pair this morning to school.

Notice anything?
You can see the tops of his socks!
Did I mention that I bought these pants in August? And that I bought 3 pairs?
That's it. No more food for him!
lol! Don't you love growth spurts? And how coincidental that they only occur within weeks of outfitting them with new gear - must be a Murphy's Law in play.
let me know how no food works for
Wow what a growth spurt!
I sooooo know what you are talking about. We do the same thing and this year it is my daughter. She is shooting up like a weed and outgrowing everything. I am seriously thinking about making her get a job! :-)
He's shooting right up!
Yep, looks just like my oldest daughter's pants this morning. I'm putting books on her head.
Did it seem to happen overnight? And, did he act really bratty for two or three days before it happened? That's how it works at my house. It reminds me of the Incredible Hulk or something.
He has a gorgeous smile!
love his smile!! good looking young man he is!!
they do do that don't they? (grow??) thankfully you might be able to save them for little brother?
What a great looking kid! See now your job is to take down all the hems. Ha ha.
Yes they never stop growing! My 15 year old is still gaining inches!
LOL Too funny!! Guess he had a bit of a growth spurt, huh? :0P
If my oldest could grow like that her pants wouldn't drag on the floor. I always buy clothes a little big and then my kids don't grow.
Yeah, they do that. Stinks for us, the ones paying for the clothes.
we had the same problem with our 14 year old!
Well Cookie---just save them for the 5 yr. old!!!!!! I used to use alot of hand-me-downs for my sons... They grow much too fast.
Ugg. I just did the same thing with Cooper . . . I was sure that I would be cuffing his jeans for months, only to find that they fit perfectly the day he put them on. I suspect new pants are going to be on his Christmas list.
Looks like he's gonna be taller than mom- look out!
Hmmm Maybe a few bricks on his shoulders... perhaps they shrunk in the dryer, or he's got them pulled up at the waist too high?.
Maybe the store will let you echange them- if you have the tags.
Look at the bright side, it wasn't shoes again!
He is growing rapidly !!Unseen Rajasthan
Oh goodness!! I just went thru this too. So NOT fun. Both my girls had a huge growth spurt and we had to buy all new pants. Good times on the pocket book.
Oh, I hate that. I know they grow, but do they have to grow that fast??
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