Monday, January 12, 2009

My "Helper"

This morning I was getting ready to take the recycling to the container in the garage. I had to go in the garage anyway to get the wreath for the front door so I could finally take down the Christmas wreath. Then all of the Christmas decorations will be completely gone.

My 5 year old saw me with my armload of paper and bottles heading out to the garage. He stopped me, "Mom, I want to do it." Now I'm sure some of you are asking, "why would a 5 year old want to take out the recycling?" Or maybe you are thinking, "Why would anyone want to do such a mundane chore?!"

My kids have a chore chart. They can earn money for doing chores. They don't actually get to keep the money. It's more like a credit. The money goes on their chart and when we're shopping and they want to buy something, I deduct it from their chart. We started this a few months ago and it seems to be working so far. But sometimes it backfires, like today.

I let my 5 year old "help" me with the recycling. It was a little too much for him to carry. So I carried 2 of the bottles. I followed him to the garage. He needed me to open the door. I opened the door for him. I followed him to the recycling container. He couldn't open the lid. I opened the lid for him. I put the 2 bottles in that I was carrying. He dropped his on the floor. So I helped pick them up. I know at this age, it's more the idea of having kids help with the chores, but today I really wished that I didn't get any "help."


girlytwins said...

Haha. We have those kinds of helpers in our house too. But you are awesome to teach them at that age the value of chores and money :)

Unknown said...

ahhh yes, "helping"!!! I'm all too familiar with that one!! So funny sometimes though!

Michelle said...

He'll figure it out soon. and if you don't let him figure it out... he'll never get it. Gotta love when they're real helpers though!

Cathy said...

i know--james wants to help me all the time, and i feel so guilty getting impatient about how long it takes, etc. both of my sons love helping with recycling too!

Fire Hunt said...

My boys love to "help."

Maude Lynn said...

At least he was actually attempting a chore. My little angel says, "I'm being good. Can I have some money?"