Friday, December 5, 2008

My Baby is Sick

Yup, my baby is sick... again. This time it's the 6 year old. He went to school today. He played outside and rode his bike after school. He went to a friend's birthday party. He came home and decorated the Christmas tree. Then he sat down to watch TV and started complaining at bedtime because he wanted to stay up later.

We went through the normal bedtime routine. He went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. I read him a story and tucked him in. Then I gave him a goodnight kiss. When I kissed his forehead, I could tell immediately that he was burning up! I took his temperature and it was 103.4! And he never said anything about not feeling well!

I gave him some Motrin and he's asleep now. I'll take him to the pediatrician in the morning. I just can't believe that his fever was so high and I had no idea!


Maude Lynn said...

I've had similar experiences, and I felt so guilty for not noticing. But, at that age, temp can go up so fast . . .

Fire Hunt said...

I holp he feels will so!

Michelle said...

That sounds like my wee ones. I generally find out that they're sick the hard way -- like when we go to the pediatrician for a checkup and he tells me Little Miss has a bad ear infection -- because they are just having too much fun with life. It isn't you. I hope he feels better soon!

girlytwins said...

Poor lil' guy. I hope he is better by now.