This is what I woke up to find this morning. A tree fee in the greenbelt behind my yard. The tree was close to my fence. The tree feel from the roots. The root system went up creating a crater in my back yard and pushing the fence up out of the ground. 3 panels need to be fixed. I know it could be worse, but what a pain! Anyone know any good tree removal companies???
I do actually... but I think it might be cost prohibitive to get them out to you! ;) What a bummer. At least it wasn't your house? Or a child?
Oh that stinks! I hate when unexpected things like that happen! Thanks for coming by last week for my giftcard giveaway. Sorry you didn't win--I wish I could have given one to everyone! I'm going to do another one in December! Thanks again for dropping by!
Oh yuck. I do know a good tree guy put he might be a little pricey with that much travel LOL. Hope it all works out with not too much trouble.
I do know a good tree guy but he is here in OHIO.
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