Now they are gone. We hired an exterminator to get rid of them and to clean up the crawl space, replace the insulation and replace the vapor barrier. It was expensive. More expensive than the 4 tickets I bought to visit my parents in Virginia this summer. So it looks like we won't be getting that new carpeting this year or painting the outside of our house. Instead we have a brand new, rat-free, crawl space.
Normally if I poured some money into my house, I'd post pictures of the result so that every can oooh and aaah over the improvement. I doubt anyone is going to come to my house and say, "I heard you got new insulation and new vapor barrier and I just can't wait to see it!" But here's a pic anyway.

Beautiful, isn't it? I know you are jealous.
We need to insulate the attic...but it is easy to ignore...I'm pretty sure there are squirrels up there sometimes...we don't use that space at all...
Nice Pic! ;)
Wow! That's some nice fluffy looking insulation you have there! Looks like cotton candy. Better watch out, you may find a cotton candy loving mom from NJ munching on your new insulation (Not really. I hear fiberglass doesn't taste too good.). I feel your pain on not being able to get new carpet. I just had to replace a washer and dryer two weeks ago, and it ate up the money we were planning to use to replace the carpet in two rooms and our basement.
My new roof crushed my dreams of new carpet.
poor you and your family! I don't think those are guests I would enjoy having as overnight visitors; so glad you got the problem taken care of!
reading stories like this make me happy that I'm currently a renter
so sorry you can't get the carpet, hopefully it will be in next year's budget :)
Ugh. I hate running into expenses like that. Glad you were able to get them out and taken care of though. Years ago we had mice issues in California. It was awful!
I have something for you!
Those types of expenses are so yuck. We had a few of those last month. We had to cancel a weekend get away because of it.
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