Friday, July 31, 2009

Quote of the Day

Today I overheard my 5 year old talking to his friend who lives next door. He was telling his friend about the summer reading club at the library. Yesterday we stopped by (for an hour with just about every other person) and he got his prize for completing 1000 minutes of reading this summer. He showed his friend the prize (an art set) and asked his friend if he was doing the summer reading club.
Friend: "No, I don't really go to libraries."
My 5 year old: "We only go when our books are overdue."

Proud Parent Moment #530 is brought to you by your local library.


Maude Lynn said...

We can't win, can we?

Neo said...

I have two books from like 10 years ago still overdue, how much you think the late fees are on those?

Momisodes said...


They do us proud sometimes, don't they :)

Michelle said...

Hey -- supporting your local library is really important. Everyone does it in a different way. You support it via late fees :)

TALON said...

lol! I love how kids put it all out there - warts and all.

betty said...

congrats to your son for that many hours of reading!!! hey, look at it at least he's going to the library, right?? some kids might not even know what a library is

enjoy your weekend


Karen said...

That's great! We don't go to the library because I know I'd never get any of the books back on time. Sometimes I wonder which would be worse, paying late fees or us getting buried under an avalanche of books that we purchased so I could avoid the library.

Heidi said...

Cuuute! And, good for him for all of that reading! That's fantastic!

Joyce-Anne said...

ROFL Out of the mouths of babes...

girlytwins said...

LOL!!! So funny.