Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A New State

Tonight at dinner my 7 year old asked me, "Mom, is onion a state?"

"Onion is a vegetable, not a state," I said. I thought he knew that already.

"Then why does the TV say it is?"

I looked at the TV. The president was giving his State of the union address, not state of the onion.


Boozy Tooth said...

LOL... I saw that one coming. How adorable.

Lynn said...

Your kids say the funniest things. :)

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! I love the things your kids say!!!!

Joyce-Anne said...

Like Alix, I saw that one coming too. LOL

TALON said...

I love how your boys pay attention to what's going on around them. That is adorable!

Maude Lynn said...

Oh, that's funny!

Anonymous said...

Your kiddos crack me up!

LuAnne Lizotte said...

Have your boys always been so alert and interested in their environment? They are fantastic!

girlytwins said...

Well at least they are watching the Presidential speech :)

Momisodes said...

LOL! Union. Onion. Same difference :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

State of the ONION, huh????? Be careful what you allow your kids to watch on TV... ha ha
