The other day I took my 5 year old to the grocery store. I needed to buy eggs and butter. While I was putting the eggs in my cart my 5 year old said, "Mom, is that egg juice?"
I think I may have puked a little.
I looked up to see him pointing at Eggbeaters.
"Yes, honey. That is like egg juice."
Drink up!
I think I may have puked a little.
I looked up to see him pointing at Eggbeaters.
"Yes, honey. That is like egg juice."
Drink up!

lol! That's perfect! I've always thought the idea of eggs in a carton was strange, but now I know why!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Cookie!
Out of the mouths of babes... Too funny. I don't care for eggbeaters - the consistency is strange to me.
Ok...I totally would have guessed he might have been pointing at Egg Nog. :)
Thanks for stopping by my site, and Happy Thanksgiving!
C'mon now... I LOVE Eggbeaters! But I'm going to have to call it egg juice from now on. How clever (and astute!) for a wee five year old.
One of my friends reached for the carton of eggbeaters thinking it was her coffee creamer (it was early, she wasn't awake) and poured it in her coffee. Blech. Once she finished washing her mouth out with bleach, she managed to make a proper cup of coffe, and she'll never use eggbeaters for anything again.
Hmmmmmmm---I'll never look at eggbeaters the same!!!! ha ha ... Don't think I'd want to drink them as juice, would you?????? Yuk!!!!!
Wonder what he'll call Eggnog????? ha
Happy Thanksgiving..
Nothing gets by him! And I can see why you may have puked in your mouth a little.
Egg juice in the cookie jar? Yuk! Yuk!!
Egg juice? Ewww.
Happy Thanksgiving!
after reading posts about your 5 year old he is SO aware of the world around him. I have a feeling that he will accomplish much in the business world, especially marketing!!
Oh the sweet things they say. And how wonderful to have this blog to share them on.
Great to "meet you" over at my blog. Thanks so much for the visit the other day on my blog addiction post.
testing, testing. Please Blooger accept my comment this time???
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Just how many embarassing comments have I left on this post so far??
It's all good, right??
Egg-juice. Interesting concept. Makes me get one of those triggers of wanting to heave. BLEH! lol. And it makes me want to hum the tune to Rocky.
Egg juice sounds horrible!
You could have pointed out that since an egg is an undeveloped chick, it's basically pre-mature baby chicken juice. Omgosh I think I'm going to become a vegan. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Egg juice it is. Definitely a 'little puke in your mouth' worthy. Ick.
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