Monday, September 14, 2009

More House Painting

It's four days later and I still haven't made a final decision for a paint color. I thought I had a few days ago, but I was wrong.

The painter wrote down my selection, went to the store, bought the paint and came to the house to put up a sample on the house. Before he even made it back to the house, I called to tell him that I changed my mind about the door color. But I thought I was certain about the house color. Then my husband saw it and he wasn't so certain. This morning my husband looked at again. He said it's too light. But I don't want something too dark. So he says, "Whatever you want." Which in marriage translates too, "You decide, so I can blame you for the next 10 years for choosing the wrong color."

Now I know what color is too light. That would be the color that the painter put on our house as a sample. And I know what color is too dark. That would be the color of the house across the street. And I have three inches of colors to choose from. (See my earlier post if you have no idea what I'm talking about.) So I have a plan. I'm going to my three inches of colors and compare them to the other houses. Do you think the neighbors will mind if I go up to their houses with samples of paint? Probably not when I kindly explain that I don't want to make the same mistake by selecting the wrong house color, right?

I''m beginning to run out of time...


betty said...

bring a plate of cookies with you when you go to your neighbors and i'm sure they won't mind if you compare paint colors :)

my husband has an "eye" for color; I don't have that gift. So the few times we've painted, I've executively let him pick colors and they have always looked good

but I know it is a tought decision because you will need to live with it for a bit (longer than a bit I guess)

good luck!


TALON said...

So true what you say about "whatever you want" - lol!

I think if you knock on the door and explain how wonderful their house looks you'll have no problem. In fact, you'll probably meet a few who went through the same hard choices and a few who have a great eye for color and can help you wade through the samples.

Sounds like you're narrowing the choices - at least you know what's too dark and what's too light. Like Goldilocks, you just have to find the one that's "just right".

House Painting Tutorials said...

here's a helpful tutorial for choosing paint colors:

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Decisions --Decisions, Cookie... I don't envy you that choice at all. Our house is an olive green (one of my least favorite colors) ---and when we repaint, I am thinking about other options. BUT--it's scary because there ARE so many choices. Good Luck.

Michelle said...

This is why I loved my painter. He chose all my colors for me once I narrowed things down a little. He did good. I am still waiting for the pics of yours though ;)

Joyce-Anne said...

At least you have a start--too light and too dark. Now, you just have to find something in between.

Lynn said...

I like Talon's advice. The neighbors will probably be nice.

Maybe you could post paint chips for us to vote on.

Cathy said...

lol! i love your translation of your husband's comment. :) i know what you mean, we painted our house and when we got too far into it to turn back we realized it's too bright. oh well.

Maude Lynn said...

"Whatever you want" = blame the wife . . . So, it's not just my marriage?

I detest picking paint colors. I can never decide!

Momisodes said...

Haha. I say that's a great idea. But you may want to um...give the neighbors a different reason :)

girlytwins said...

You are so funny. I have bought 3 gallons of paint for my spare bedroom and still the room is white. Haha. I am so bad about choosing colors.