While I'm sorting through the papers from last year (like I said, I'm not admitting to having papers from 3 years ago) the phone rings. It's my friend who also has a child starting kindergarten today. She calls to tell me that she forgot to send her child to school with the tag that has her bus information on it. You know, the tag that the school printed up, laminated, sent home a week ago and requested that kindergartners where it to school every day for the first two weeks. How cold she forget?!
I look down on the counter. There is my child's tag too. Oops. I guess I'll be stopping by the school to drop it off. After I finish sorting through the rest of the school papers.

Jessica at Bern This has some info she would like me to pass along. Please check it out, and check out her blog too!
Here is a chance to make a difference for the 22,000 women who will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer this year. Have a laugh and watch a hysterical video from “Aunt Flo”— and then please check out letstalkperiod.com and sign up (really – it’ll only take a minute and three clicks!). Seventh Generation will make a donation on your behalf to the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund.
That's not an excuse, that's the honest to God truth. And, you've reminded me that I need to go through that same stack of papers!
Oh Cookie, I remember those days---many years ago.. Were you kinda sad today---after watching them leave??? I used to be!
I posted photos of my three sons (through the years) today on my blog. Check it out...
oh how exciting with your little one starting kindergarten! I bet you can't wait to see how his day went! hoping he and his older brother have a great school year!
love the idea about the bus tag; sure does help keep those little ones on the right bus; sorry you need to drop his off though
its amazing over the years as you sort through paper how it becomes less important of what to keep and what not to keep; I think we have a fe things over the years still from the kids' school years (they are 20/23), but with all the moves we've made, I had to let go of a lot. Funny thing is, so far, they haven't asked for anything; I did save report cards, class pictures, things like that. You think you will remember the names of their friends.....you might want to write down the names on pictures....
Oh those years go by so fast - enjoy them.
i'm ruthless with those papers all school year -- when they are not looking....
My kids are grown up and I STILL have school papers I need to sort through...only now they're no longer in a drawer. Now they reside in an airtight bin in the garage. One day....
love this post..
I totally understand..I have 5 of my 6 heading to school on Tuesday, so thanks for the reminder ..i willnotforgetd'sbuspass
thanks for stopping by my blog
Ah, I'm always drowning in paperwork -- at home and at school (work).
Awe, the first day at kindergarten. Seems like a hundred years ago when my seventeen year old went.
They grow up so fast.
Thanks for the sweet post.
Last year my oldest started Kindergarten. Now, we're on to grade 1. But, that's not what I wanted to say. What I wanted to say was, I KNOW! about all of those papers they want to keep and to all of the papers you have to get through. It's crazy, right?? The amount of stuff they come home with? But, now that school starts for them next Tuesday we have nothing. No notice, no information about the first day or where they should go. Nothing. But, you can bet that when she comes home after that first day she will be loaded down with paper after paper to sign and read and stack with last year's papers.
I still have papers dating back an unmentionable number of years! It seems that paperwork is truly the work that never ends! I am so enjoying reading your blog...I am so glad that we have "met!"
I can certainly understand why you waited until you had the house to yourself to sift through those papers. I need to do the same thing once my daughter starts preschool.
Oooo! I have a system for this (of course it failed miserably this year because I didn't do it until the week school started but ummm it's worked in the past).
The wee ones each get to keep five items at a time. These items are taped to cabinets (or otherwise prominently placed). When they have a new favorite, they have to choose one to take down and get rid of. Of course Mommy sometimes exerts some influence when there is something super cute it a handprint or an actual picture of the child on it.... But so far, so good!
Yup. I do everything here at the house I nanny at and just last night I got around to sorting through their LAST YEAR'S school papers.....
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