My husband bought this book in Japan. It is filled with pictures where are you supposed to find the differences between the two pictures. We have similar things in the US. I figured you don't have to be able to read to find the differences in the pictures, so I took the book with me when I dragged the kids with me to get the oil changed one day.
At the top of the page, the picture is divided into sections. I knew that we were supposed to one find thing different in each of the sections at the top of the page but no matter how hard we looked we could never find something different in every section. Can you guess why?

Can anyone tell that my husband solved the mystery? Because the answer is "C". "C" is the section that doesn't have anything different. So if I could have read the directions I wouldn't haven't kept looking (and made my kids keep looking) for something different in
every section. At least my husband had a good laugh at my frustration. Now to go through the book in the trash.
Ok, but WHY would C not have anything different? That's just ... silly. And ohhh so Japanese.
Oooo, you're maybe a good resource -- any suggestions on a good bento style box for a lunchbox for Mister Man for school? I want all the little compartments for the sandwich and fruit and veggies and such so I can avoid using the baggies and throwing them away. I'm beginning to think I need to drive down to Mitsuwa this week somehow :)
too funny! I guess sometimes we do need to know the language; could be something good for kids to bring in to show and tell though :)
I get a headache just thinking about it!
lol! I can imagine the frustration when you caught the differences in the other sections and searched and searched and searched in vain in Section C. Hmmm...I wonder why Section C is exempt?
I guess it kept you and the kids busy for an appropriate amount of time, but oh how frustrating!
That is just so strange.
Weird. I would have kept looking too :)
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