Before I start today's post, I wanted to follow up on yesterday's post. I took my 6 year old to the pediatrician (he wasn't even the cute pediatrician!). My son has strep throat. After the pediatrician's office we stopped by the grocery store to fill his prescription. The way my 6 year old was running up and the aisles shooting his brother with an imaginary machine gun, you would never guess that he was sick. But that's what the pediatrician said. I should have asked to see the test results
myself. After a day's worth of antibiotics my son was able to go to school this morning.
Yay!A Used TV Salesman... That's me. When I was a little girl and people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said, "an astronaut" or "a scientist" or "rich and famous." I never dreamed that I would be a TV salesman. Make that a
used TV salesman. But somehow that is what I've become. Or rather, that is what my husband has turned me into. (Yes, it's always
his fault.)
In the last few months Mr. Cookie has started a new hobby. He likes fixing broken TV's. First he just wanted a nice TV for the family room. Something to replace the dinosaur that we've had for the last 13 years or so. He found a cheap broken one and thought it was worth a try to fix it. So he got it and fixed it. We kept it in the family room for a while. Then he found another broken one that he wanted to try fixing. The second one was bigger and better. He fixed it and we used it for a while. Now we have 10 TV's in our house. 10 TV's?!
For the last month or so I've been asking if we could sell any of these TV's that are springing up like wild mushrooms out of the carpet. He always had
an excuse some reason for keeping each one. But last night he finally agreed to sell one. The big one. The biggest one we own. But he left the selling part to me. I took the picture. I created the craigslist posting. I answer the emails of interested buyers. So I have become a used TV salesman.
If you're interested in getting a pre-owned television, step right up, because I have a deal for you! And if you call in the next 15 minutes I'll also throw in this lovely remote control too!