Friday, March 26, 2010

1 in 4 women

Have you seen the commercial for Clear Blue Easy Pregnancy Test? The one that says, "Did you know that 1 in 4 women can misread a traditional pregnancy test result?"

I searched for a video clip of the commercial, but couldn't find anything. But I did find it written their website here. In case you haven't seen the commercial and think I'm making this up.

That statistic surprised me. I think, "1 in 4 women can deny a pregnancy test" is more accurate.


Karen said...

It's pretty hard to not be able to tell if you're looking at a line or not. I'm convinced that the people in advertising think that we're all incredibly stupid. I'm in that 75% that can actually read a pregnancy test. I've never misread one.

MaBunny said...

those women who can't read a traditional pregnancy tests just might be the ones that are on that show where they gave birth without knowing they were pregnant. Nine months, no symptoms... yeah right. lol

Joyce-Anne said...

I've known many women who have never misread a pregnancy test.

TALON said...

lol - I could see that back when the tests first came out and it was like a mini science experiment, but nowadays? Not so much.

Michelle said...

Yeah... I want to see the stats behind that one, too. I remember never having an issue reading mine. They were always VERY clear. Maybe that just means I was VERY pregnant ;)

Lynn said...

My cousin's wife kept re-taking the test until he stopped her and said, "I am pretty sure you are pregnant." Baby Kendall was born last week. :)

Tam said...

I have seen that commericial and it drives me a little crazy. Really how could one in four misread it? You are so right..denial!

girlytwins said...

Seriously, if you can't read a pregnancy test you shouldn't be getting pregnant.